Hey fellow OTH fam...we need your help!
This November will mark 17 years since we created OneTreeHillWeb.net, which grew to OTH-Music.com and TreeHillStyle.com. There were only 3 existing OTH fanpages in November 2003, and there was very limited information about the show online, so we have spent almost 20 years creating this large archive of information as well as keeping you updated on reunions and happenings from the cast through social media.
These sites are important to us...they hold a lot of memories, not just from doing it while the show was in production and watching it expand as this one-stop fandom spot, but we've met some amazing people - including our fellow fans - over the years. The "OTH fandom" has always felt like more of a close community because it started very organic without the availability of social media platforms -- now it feels like we can connect even easier, which is why we don't want to close the sites down...we want to re-launch and make it an even bigger site of both activity and archive.
We were hoping to do a lot with the websites this upcoming year -- include lots of exclusive giveaways, new information, and exciting projects, but COVID-19 has been not only a stressful time mentally but also financially. Keeping the sites going takes a toll and we've tried to avoid asking for any assistance for almost 2 decades, but we need our #OTHfam now.
We need to keep up with our website hosting and domain payments as well as some other elements of the site, so if you're able and wouldn't mind supporting by donating whatever you can to keep OneTreeHillWeb.net, OTH-Music.com and TreeHillStyle.com going, we'd appreciate it. We have set up a Venmo account, if you have one and can donate, all you have to do is scan the QR code in the image provided.
Thank you - Always & Forever,
Nelly & Cortni